Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm STUCK...but...

The weather's bad and my stomach is very upset, so I'm stuck and I'll pretty much let you guess which one is worse.  But how hard is it when we're stuck in life, stuck by circumstances, stuck by decisions that were made a looooonnng time ago, and even stuck by decisions made by other people?  That's how I feel way more than I probably should, I just feel stuck.  

I think there are way more people in this world and in our communities who feel stuck than those who don't.  

That statement makes me think, why?  Why are we stuck?  Why are we not enjoying freedom in Christ and freedom in our nation?  Why do we keep sticking ourselves?  But isn't that what it comes down to?  I think it comes down to hurt, to hurt keeping us from leaving, hurt keeping us from staying, hurt keeping us from our God, hurt making us look anywhere but the Remedy.

I took the above picture on an extremely enjoyable time, I was asked to speak at a retreat in Michigan by a friend of mine and I snapped this shot while driving through North Central Indiana.  This picture represents something, something so important when we're stuck, so important when we're stuck in those dark times of life.  So important when we can't pay the bills, when we are hurt beyond belief, when we're wondering why our marriage is going the way it is...it represents...daylight.  

There's an awesome song by an obscure band named Remedy Drive that says...

"Has everything you counted on left you right here, with no warning.
Have your dreams become invisible, wait with me dear, until the morning.
Light will make the night burn out.
Hold on, daylight is coming."  

What if this daylight doesn't come soon?   What if we are still stuck when we wake up in the morning?  What if when I finally do get to sleep at night, the first thing I feel when I wake up is the same hurt?  

John 16:33 Jesus tells us, "In this world you WILL have trouble, but take heart, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD." 

I think all we can do is simply...hold on.  When we do, when we pursue, it's amazing what happens to the stuck.

1 comment:

  1. "you feel stuck? i feel the same way! LORD help us stay up!"

    sorry, but your blog reminded me of that song. i guess it doesn't help that i've been listening to it non stop for about a month now.

    i've been stuck for awhile. and not willingly either. people keep dragging me back to a past that i don't want to deal with anymore. and that isn't who i am now. but it's still haunting me. more and more everyday. and its causing a lot of hurt. and i can't figure out how to get "unstuck".
