Wednesday, January 14, 2009


 I went to a birthday party for my grandmother last night, she turned 89.  Now, I know there's been lots and lots and lots of people who have lived longer and there are people who are older, but just think about that for a second...89.  Granny, was born in 1920...19...20.  

 As we were driving, I was thinking about all that my Granny has seen, all that's gone on in her lifetime.  She was born at the end of WWI, went through WWII, Korea, Vietnam.  She lived through the great depression and Granny saw the beginning of the struggle between Israel and the Palestinians.  Granny saw Charles Manson, Jim Jones, the rise and fall of Communism, and the murder of millions upon millions by people such as Hitler AND Pol Pot.  

 Notice what all I mentioned that she saw?  That's a lot of Negative, that's so much pain and torment and hurt.  How many people have been hurt? How many children have died of hunger?how many innocent young girls have been raped and sold into slavery?  How many?  

 Why is it that there is so much negative that outweighs the positive?  Why is it that we are seeing these things overshadow the things of Righteousness?  

 It's fairly simple I guess, it's the whole wide and narrow are the roads thing isn't?  

So what should we do?  Sit and watch or do something...anything?  The sad part is, my Granny doesn't have much longer, she's as healthy as an 89 year-old can be, but she's 89, and we don't live forever.  What if one person, you or me decides we're going to try to change a life?  We're going to talk to that kid down the street who's parents just split?  Would that be worth our time?  Would that be worth giving up some overtime or leaving work early or not watching the game?  

You decide.  But let me ask this.  How much hurt have you seen, does it bother you?  


  1. I've actually spent most of the past two days thinking of the same thing. In English class yesterday we read and analyzed a poem. Most people hate doing this, because it makes them have to dig and really think deeply about things. But i love it. It's a challenge. It makes me think even deeper than i do on a regular basis and i love that. But in the poem this guy talks about all the things he could do to change the world, or at least a few people. and he keeps asking "Would it be worth it?" So yeah, i've been thinking about it a lot. About how much the help that we try to give is worth, considering the amount of people out there giving hurt. And all the negative things that happen. how much can one person really do? "would it be worth it?" Would it really?
    i thought about all the people that i've actually had the pleasure of helping. and how many people would be way worse off, or not even here at all, had i not taken the time to help them out. and when i think about each individual person in my life, i realize it is, and WILL ALWAYS, be worth it. Even if you only save one, right? One is defninitely worth saving.

  2. Yeah, the hurt bothers me. The hurt I have and the hurt I have seen still does not compare with the hurt that others have seen or endured for that matter. So, why is it so easy to get wrapped up in the me of things, we actually think this "world" owes us something, but it does not. Christ paid the ultimate price, we just have to learn to accept His mercy and grace and do the best we can with our focus on Him CONSTANTLY. And yeah, all this is easier said than done, but it does give me encouragement. As bad as life is on this earth, it still does not compare to what Christ endured for us and continues to endure for us.

    I mean, look at how we disappoint Him all the time! And in that disappoint He still forgives us and helps us back up. Even though we are damaged, He still wants to love us...WOW. I am absolutely amazed at his strength and love, I believe I will always be in awe of Him, at least I sure hope so. Maybe this knowledge will help in the really low points in life, idk.

    And, yes, just one is worth it. Just one more!
