Monday, February 16, 2009

The Other Night

This kind of sounds like some sort of title to a cheesy horror movie doesn't it?  Let's say it together in that scary voice...THE OTHER NIGHT!  Yeah that was stupid.  

But seriously, the other night I had to drive a bus load of people to the Cincinnati airport, they had to be there before 5AM, which meant we had to leave Danville by 2:30AM.  Now, I don't stay up very late anymore, I used to as a college guy watching 3 showings of Sportcenter, but not so much anymore.  But, I will have to admit, I was kind of excited about the whole thing, the thought of being out all night long still has that ring to it doesn't it?  

The trip up was uneventful, just a bunch of sleeping people on the bus, my i-pod on my ears, and a bright moon and clear sky.  After I dropped them off I headed back alone on the bus, still dark, still the moon, still my i-pod, and a cup of root beer.  I don't know why, but the moon light coming in the bus through the windows and on to me absolutely calmed me.  Maybe it was the mystery, maybe it was the fact that I was 'out all night,' or maybe something deeper.  

Maybe it's simply how the moon is...well hopefully...just like you and me.  I stared at the moon probably a little too long on that ride home, ignoring the fact that I had lost count of the deer I'd seen on the side of the road.  But I couldn't stop thinking about how the light of the moon isn't produced by the moon itself, but it's the reflection of the sun.  

Am I a good moon?  What light am I reflecting?  If I moon you I'm pretty sure it'd be just as white...but we'll stay away from that topic.  

David Crowder wrote a song about this very thing and how just as the moon reflects the light of the sun in the dark night, we too need to reflect the light of Christ in this dark world.  Not in a way that confuses people with how we act at different times, but makes people want to see what's on the other side, what's that light bouncing off of us.  

What do you reflect?     

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