Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Stay, piles of fire, a cow, and a polar bear dog.

Name this song!!!  It starts with a sweet high voice and says...

"You say, I only hear what want to.
You say I talk so all the time.
And I thought what I felt was simple,
and I thought that I don't belong,
and now that I am leaving,
now I know that I did something wrong 'cause I missed you.
Yeah yeah, I missed you."  

Did you get it?  

Of course you did, it's 'Stay' by Lisa Loeb and at the risk of losing my man-card, it is one of the greatest songs of all time in my humble opinion.  Why, you may asked in that annoyed tone?  Well, because it's...so...me.  Let me explain...

After our youth service we call Sunday Night Alive (and have for years church across the street that stole our name...I think it's funny) and since the next day was MLK day and everything was closed, a whole bunch of us went to our favorite Mexican restaurant named Guadalajara to eat.  It was a good time of hanging out and chatting, but these things always come to an end and then it's time to go home.  

I gave some friends rides to their places of sleeping and one of them lives waaaaaaaaayyyyy out in the country and this is where it gets interesting.  

It was really snowy that night for KY, which means there was an inch or so and the roads were covered.  We were talking and having a good time when I said, "there's animal tracks in the road."  And then continued to ramble about the animal tracks that were still in the road.  I rambled SO much that I kinda remember Cheyenne (who was sitting in the front passenger seat) gasp, but it didn't register with me that she said, "COW!"  Well...until I saw the big cow butt right in front of us.  Of course the road is covered in snow, I can't brake, I can't swerve, so I just manage to miss the cow as it cowed it's way on down the road (some awesome driving skills I may add).  

You ever noticed that as people we can 'talk so all the time,' that we can miss things, leave, not leave, make the wrong choices and it's just not right?  

We can drift away from the fist love (if we developed it) of the Remedy and next thing we know, it's not right and we miss Him.  Maybe it's time we listen, it's time to reevaluate our situation, because like Lisa's song, it's loud we can hear and it is that simple.

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