Monday, April 5, 2010


This is going against everything inside of me and against all of my being to blog tonight, and I guess it'll be that way all week. We can't get wireless at the church building so I'm sitting at the *GASP* Starbucks up the street. AND since I felt guilty about coming in and using their wireless I was compelled to buy something, but since I HATEHATEHATEHATE anything coffee, the only thing I could really stomach was a strawberry smoothie...OH so on to the news of the day.

We made it in last night about 6pm local time after a great night in Little Rock and an excellent Easter service in the hotel. However we did have a tremendous situation that occurred that may be one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my entire life. Just ask Kaitlin Snapp, it had to do with the alphabet game, she'll know what you mean.

We got up bright and early and split into 2 teams today.

Team 1:Lauren Peyton, Christian Barker, Kaitlin Snapp, David Roney, Franny Reimler, Ethan Robinson, Hannah Mountjoy, Lauren Bailes, Lori Harris, Kaitie Wood, Tab Evans, Justin Wilson, Nate Deaton, Gavin Mahan, Ty Short, Tyler Crowe and Heath Mountjoy came with me, Teresa, and CIY Brittney (all CIY adults will be described as CIY and then their name, that's just the way it's going to be. We had 2 jobs today.

1) We went across Dallas to the North Texas Food Bank and folks, this is an amazing operation. The basics of what we did today was sort foods that were donated by grocery stores because they were damaged and couldn't be sold. All of this food went to feed families in need in the area surrounding Dallas. We worked from 9:30-11:30 and sorted and boxed over 14,000 lbs of food, for over 12,000 meals, which feeds 4,000 people for a day. That's cool.

2) We went to a super friendly and really cool elderly lady to paint her house and clean up her yard. Everyone worked well and we were able to accomplish quite a bit through the afternoon.
Team 2: Kaile Short, Hunter Mountjoy, Paige Anderson, Caitlin Camic, Whitney Baker, Emma Ditto, Alexa Burks, Alex Grigsby, Nate Crowe, Rachel Ditto, Wes Salyers, Josh Lyons, Austin Reid, Cody Cooper, Julie Higginbotham, and Kenzie Wood went with Tim, Tony, Judy, and CIY Ben.

They spent the entire day clearing a jungle (not exagerating) that had grown in an elderly man's yard. This man had been waiting on the People Helping People list for help for 5 years for someone to help him clean his yard. Well...if all goes to plan, it will be finished tomorrow, this group worked outrageously hard.

Keep praying for us, especially Judy Short, she has a brutal sinus infection right now.

I will blog about more when I get a chance.

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