Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I've often wondered about the emotions Jesus' disciples went through after the crucifixion, the fear, guilt for some, disappointment, the doubting, I imagine they experienced 3 days of it all.  But the joy after His resurrection must have been indescribable, the comfort during the 40 days of teaching before He ascended into Heaven, the unbridled enthusiasm of wanting to tell the world...all of these, some of them at once I'm sure.    

In Acts 1, we read that Jesus gives some final instructions before He is taken into Heaven.  He said to the Apostles in Acts 1:4, "Do not leave Jerusalem, but WAIT for the gift my Father promised..."  

Now we know today that the gift that Jesus was referring to was 2 fold, 1) the special outpouring on the Apostles that gave miraculous powers to those 12 and 2) the indwelling gift of the Holy Spirit received at baptism.  

But there's something deeper for us to get from this today as well, not anything earth shattering of Gospel changing, as I'm not about to do that (see Galatians 1:8).  But sometimes, God just needs us to wait.  For us to learn, to listen, to pray, to be prepared.  

That even though we want to go and do, we need to stay and grow.  As a youth minister I'm very privileged to teach and lead some amazing students, several of whom have already committed themselves to overseas missions, and if they had the chance, they'd leave today.  But it's just not their time yet, there's work for ahead of them, preparing them for what's coming up, and there's work for them to do here, leading and teaching other students and even their families.  

Many times we need to wait, but let this not be an excuse to not do the things Jesus commissioned us to do while we are waiting, teaching and baptizing others, that's ALL of our jobs at all times.  

But for you, what do you need?  What are you waiting for?  And more importantly, how are you pursuing what you lack?    

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