Monday, June 15, 2009

Girls, sex, porn, masturbation, and jr high guys?

I'm currently leading a small group for jr high guys that meets on some of the Mondays this summer, and so far, it's been very good.  The whole purpose of this small group is to encourage these guys to grow into men of God and leaders in the church.  One Monday we're going to have a man day and shoot bottle rockets and then go eat wings at Buffalo Wild Wings...har har, MEN!!!  And because they're guys, and because I'm a guy, I kind of remember what it was like.  I also remember feeling things, being told things by friends, seeing things, seeing girls at school and not having a clue what it meant or what to do about it.

But let's face it, the 5 things in the title of this blog are not something  we want to talk about together, much less 3 of them much at all.  At the same time, the truth is the truth, the world loves to push girls, sex, porn, and masturbation onto not just jr. high guys, but guys of all ages and many girls too.  

To be be honest, talking about the 'big m' to 11-13 year olds isn't the most pleasant experience for anyone, but it has to be done.  I think one of the main reasons we as a nation are in the sexual mess we are in is because 1) parents didn't/don't talk about it properly, 2) churches haven't educated/do not educate biblically about it, and 3) God is gone for many many people.  

(Do you know Jesus addressed masturbation?  Read Matthew 5:27-30 in CONTEXT of the passage.  Not only did He just address it, but He addressed it to THOUSANDS during the Sermon on the Mount.) 

Some parents will cringe at the fact that their innocent baby hears this at church, to that I say guess what?  Would you rather them hear about it at school from a friend or a big brother or from you or the church?  

I know it's uncomfortable, I know it's awkward, I know it's hard, but we have to be real.  We all know that guys are going to figure out how it works on their own eventually, so we need to teach what the Bible says about it and the dangers that come alone with porn, laker girls, and dance squads, which are lighter versions of porn. 

We need to educate our kids how to live in a sex saturated world so they can get through it and have a wonderful marriage to the girl of their dreams (and their dreams have nothing to do with big boobs, but everything to do with Christ, respect, and relationship.)

We also need to go ahead and teach forgiveness, because they will fail and guess what, so will I.  Yes, I will fail too, but my love and passion for Christ sustains me, forgives me, and empowers me to avoid and grow from mistakes. 

I also realize that my time is coming soon with my son, to have 'the talk,' and I'll just have to blog about that soon.  

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