Thursday, July 16, 2009

Is this Wed Night? Since it's 4:45am on Thur...

Yes, it is quarter til 5 and I'm up and have been up, but there's a good reason.

Had a very good day, actually experienced one of the most moving and powerful times I've ever had in my life.  It was a breath-taking situation, a first look into the Grand Canyon type deal.  I won't give it away so you parents can hear about it from your kids...

It's so rewarding and encouraging to work with hearts that are still malleable, that are accepting to challenge and change, that are more accepting to the idea that maybe I should be different or that it's ok to have my life rocked by God.  It's not to say that all adults in church have Pharaoh hard hearts, but let's be honest here, how often are the majority of church adults willing to allow themselves to be taught something new, challenging and different?  How willing are we as adults to have our hearts melted by God to be molded to what HE wants from us?  Oh yeah, I DO remember that when a finger is pointed then 3 is pointing right back at me, I'm included in this deal here too.  

There's something glorious about allowing ourselves to be broken by our Creator, the greatest Lover, the one who is Passionate and the One who heals.  To allow Him to say, 'Justin, I love you, but Justin, it's time.'  Time to completely let go, time to 100% buy in, time to be so radical that people think you're crazy.  Not radical for radical sake, but radical because you're in LOVE with GOD!  

I really think it's time for us as Americans, American church attenders, to rethink our reality.  To rethink what we call commitment to God, to rethink relationship and community, to rethink service.  I believe it will be hard and it will hurt, but these things usually are and do, but if the outcome is what we were intended to be in the first place, then how is that bad? 

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