Monday, May 25, 2009

motorcycles at night

There's something mysterious about riding a motorcycle late at night.  Not riding it around in the city, but out in the country, under the stars, away from the lights of the city and other cars.  It's a feeling of alone that you don't get very often and I don't mean that in a bad way (like in the type of 'alone' that was my high school career).  But it's just you, a bike, and the road.  

I was out real late the other night on a 2 lane road way out in the country, and I noticed something.  There was a weird movement in my visor and it took me a second to figure out what I was looking at.  See, the light of my head light caused a reflection on the inside of my helmet's visor, and when I figured it out, it was my own eyes that I was seeing.  I literally had to look through the reflection of my eyes in my visor to see the road.  I thought that was very weird, weird that I was looking at myself and into my own eyes, and it made me think.  It made me think that sometimes I really don't like what's on the other side of them.  

That sometimes selfish and pride are staring right back at me.  That holding on to past hurts, struggles and anger keep peering at me and they just won't go away.  I didn't like having to look into my own eyes that night, I didn't like the fact of peeking at my own soul and personality was something that was brought on.  I wanted to flip up my visor, but that visor protected me from the wind and the torrent of bugs that were assaulting me.  I needed the visor, I needed what it was made for, so I could see and be safe.  

We need to investigate ourselves, we need to peer into our own lives, motives, judgements, and salvation.  We need the Word of God to be our visor, our protector, our windshield, our tool to truth and our souls.  We need to spend time peering into these things, pondering the things we could do better and taking comfort in the things we are doing right.  We need reflection.  

Please take time this week and reflect, take time this week to investigate your own soul and where you stand based upon the truth found in the Word of God.  Take time to peer, take time to search and if you can...take time to ride a motorcycle.   

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