Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wed afternoon

Gonna have to be a quick one today, no time to check spelling either.

Best day yet, we worked hard and played HARDER!!!!  I took Lori, Tina, Wes, Nate, Jonathan, and Paige to the school to mentor.  We helped them with reading and part of what that meant was that we played Scrabble.  AND YES, I WAS OWNED BY A 3RD and a 4TH GRADER!!!!  Stupid 'q' and 'z' being worth 10 points each.  It was great.  

Also we Kaitie, Ty, Ethan, Nick, Paige, Alex, Kim, Andy, Tyler, Rachel, Little Justin, Michaela and myself went to the park to start up some games.  We played basketball, double dutch (yes, I suck at it, embarrassing actually) and kick ball and the neighborhood kids and some adults came out of the wood work, it was loads of fun.  

Let me tell, you should be VERY proud of your kids today!!!!  Especially those who went to the park.  

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