Monday, August 31, 2009

It's been a while...

I know I'm not the only one, but sometimes you just don't feel like doing something, and I haven't really felt like blogging for a while, which makes me think, 'what else do I not feel like doing?'  So, here's a list...

1) Showering.  I know, I know, and yes I do everyday (except for Shower Free Thursdays).  But I have grown to hate being wet, I hate swimming, I hate water hoses, I hate rain, and I do not enjoy taking a shower.  To me it seems like such a waste of time, it's just an annoying necessary evil I suppose.

2) Getting gas.  I hate having to stop what I'm doing or where I'm going to feel up the gas tank, it just takes me away from what I feel like I should be doing, which is moving toward my destination.

3) Mowing my stupid yard.  It doesn't get much lower on the totem pole for me folks, I hate my yard, I hate grass, I hate having to take the time to mow my grass.  

4) Spanking my kids.  My first question to myself is why do they have to do something in order to be spanked?  Why, why, why?  But it doesn't matter, it has to be done otherwise they'd go plumb wild.  

5) Getting up in the mornings.  It's no secret to those who know me, I'm a night person, not a morning person.  But in order to be a 'responsible adult' one HAS to get up in the mornings.  

But in all honesty, I could go on and on and on with things that I hate, but what's the point?  I mean, isn't this LIFE?  Life is full of stuff that we don't want to do, hate to do, don't want to take the time to do, but it's necessary.

For Christians, how many of us HATE to share the Gospel with the people we know?  How many of us would rather do something, or anything than go to church on Sunday?  How many of us will do anything we can to avoid the service we are called to do.  The reaching of the lost, giving of our time and money, searching for 'the least of these.'  

But just as showering is a necessary part of life, spanking is a necessary part of parenting, mowing is a necessary part of home ownership, and getting gas is part of driving (or riding), serving, telling, committing are necessary parts of Christian Life.

By the way, I picked up Mute Math's album Flesh and Bones Electric Fun and it's off the hook.  If you love music, you'll love Mute Math.