Friday, March 27, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I had an absolutely awesome day yesterday, one reason was because it was 73 degrees and I put 200+ miles on my motorcycle, but for the most part, it was because of the 4 people I spent time with.

1) I ate lunch at Steak and Shake with Chip, who is a great friend and a great minister of the Gospel of Christ.  We went to college together and even though he's 15 years older than I am, because of Christ, we have a bond.  And because of this bond, we have friendship and brotherhood.  It was great catching up, talking about school times, life now, and our plans.  Chip's a great guy and is always an encouragement to me.

2) At 5 I met with Kim at a coffee shop downtown, Kim is a high school senior who has an unbelievable passion for God and a joy that is unmistakeable.  We talked about her plans and what she wants to do with her life and I was amazed at her maturity and that God would allow me to teach someone like her.  There are so many times when I'm with students that I feel so unworthy of being able to do my job.  So unworthy to influence students with such a wide-open horizon, it's just amazing.  After leaving Kim, I was so encouraged by what God is doing , not only in her life and mine, but what God is doing in general.  Yeah, this world is filled with pain, yeah there's hurt, but it's times like these that I'm reminded of the Remedy.  That I'm reminded of the imperfections of His people and that He loves us the same.  I just wonder what it would be like had I been encouraged and had I chosen to live my high school life like Kim...

3) After leaving the coffee shop I went, met Adam, and we rode our motorcycles to Lexington to Buffalo Wild Wings, after all, it was 40 cent wing night!!!  With Adam I have one of my closest friends who pursues God, a friend who tries his best to be a good husband and a good dad, someone I relate to on every level, who encourages me in more ways than he knows.  Someone who is a brother in Christ and a partner in ministry. We share the same struggles (although his wife is wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy crazier), the same goals, so there's a sameness there.  I know with Adam I can say anything, we can talk about things because we are in the same place in life.  Adam's the friend that I never really had for so many years and I am so blessed to have that in my life.  

4) I came home to the most that...the most freakingly hottest woman in the world.  It was late, so she was already in bed, she's a great mom and works hard at it so she was tired. It's such a joy to lay down beside her and sleep, knowing how much she loves me even though I'm moody at times, silly most of the time, and hide behind corners and try to scare her every chance I can.  I am in absolute love with my wife, I'm so thankful that she's in my life.  She puts up with me, takes care of me, is a partner in the student ministry, and does other things of which I will not speak of ;).  I love being here in our little house that's not in the best part of town, but it's home, it's where she is, its where WE are. 

Days like yesterday make all the other days worth it, the days when my body aches, the days when I gut out 3 miles, the days when I screw up, the days when someone does something that hurts, the days when I try to help pick up the pieces, the days when life happens.  I hope that everyone can have someone in their life, someone like one of these 4.  A partner, and encourager, a confidant, and someone who's learning from you and with you.  I hope that we take the time to seek these relationships, that we seek what God has to offer to us, which is why I believe Church is so important.  That's where these relationships, these right relationships are ripe for the picking.